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CIVICUS, the International Civil Society Index Project, has Resumed its Cyprus Workouts

Nicosia, 21 December 2009 - After a 4 year break the CIVICUS (World Alliance for Citizen Participation) Civil Society Index project has resumed its implementation in Cyprus in collaboration with The Management Centre and the NGO Support Centre. The aim of the International Civil Society Index is to analyse the structure and treatment of Civil Society Organizations in previously specified countries. It aims to support the forming of stronger networks between them by establishing stronger links to each other. Click here for full story.

Economic Interdependence Project Welcomes Stelios Awards
Nicosia, 18 December 2009 – Members of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce met at the ceremony for the first Stelios Awards for Business Co-operation in Cyprus today. Click here for full story.
Dialogue urgently needed for Cyprus’ future
Nicosia, 18 December 2009 - A new research initiative called  ‘Cyprus 2015’ is urging for increased dialogue within and between the two main communities in Cyprus following island-wide consultations with community groups and opinion leaders, as well as a comprehensive public opinion poll – the results of which are being announced today. Click here for full story in English  /  Greek  /  Turkish.
Cyprus’ First Human Development Report Focuses on a Vital Stakeholder: Cypriot Youth
Nicosia, 17 December 2009 – The first Human Development Report for Cyprus, entitled “Youth in Cyprus: Aspirations, Lifestyles and Empowerment” was launched today by UNDP Action for Cooperation and Trust, in cooperation with the University of Nicosia and the Cyprus Social and Economic Research Centre (KADEM). The Report highlights an urgent need to engage and empower Cypriot youth in the process of peacebuilding and reconciliation. Click here for full story in English  /  Greek  /  Turkish 
Click here to download PDF (1MB) of the Report Overview in English  /  Greek  /  Turkish 
Click here to download full Report (English - 4MB)
The More, the Merrier – Effective Networking for Policy Engagement and Reconciliation Course Completed
Nicosia, 15 DECEMBER 2009 - Representatives from more than 35 civil society organisations from both communities participated in the Effective Networking for Policy Engagement and Reconciliation training that took place at the Community Media Centre on 14 and 15 December. The open training event was held in the framework of the ENGAGE: Civic Engagement for Reconciliation project, and co-organised by the Management Centre and the NGO Support Centre. Click here for full story.
The Elders open Cyprus Community Media Centre in Nicosia Buffer Zone
Nicosia, 10 December 2009 – The Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) was opened yesterday by three members of the eminent Elders group, Lakhdar Brahimi, President Jimmy Carter and Archbishop Desmond Tutu at Ledra Palace in Nicosia. Click here for full story and links. Click here for transcripts of the Elders' speeches.
Favierou Day Care Centre reopens in old Nicosia
Nicosia, 7 December 2009 – The restored Favierou Day Care Centre for people living with mental handicap, located near Paphos Gate in old Nicosia was opened today by US Ambassador Frank C. Urbancic Jr in the presence of officials and guests from all communities in Cyprus. Click here for full story in English  /  Greek  /  Turkish
ENGAGE - Do Your Part for Peace
Nicosia, 5 December 2009 – Passers-by on a busy Nicosia road were invited last Saturday to sign a petition prepared by 54 non-governmental organisations expressing their support towards the reconciliation process. Organised by the NGO Support Centre and the Management Centre, the event was the launch of the ENGAGE project, and also marked the occasion of International Volunteer Day. Click here for full story.
The Elders to Open Cyprus Community Media Centre
Nicosia, 3 December 2009 - The Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) is having its opening ceremony on 09 December 2009 at a new facility in the grounds of the Ledra Palace Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus. Honorary guests Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter and Lakhdar Brahimi of the eminent ‘Elders’ group, will be opening the centre... Click here for more info.
Nicosia's Coffee Shops and Bazaars - Architecture Through Time
Nicosia, 7 November 2009 – More than 100 educators participated in the two-day Council of Europe educational seminar and workshops held at the Ledra Palace Hotel, Fulbright Centre and Goethe Institute on 6 and 7 November, 2009. Click here for full story.
Engaging in Peace
Nicosia, 15 October 2009 – Amid great enthusiasm, over 50 civil society organisations from different sectors across the island jointly declared their commitment and support to the leaders as the second round of negotiations began in October. Click here for full story. View event vodcast here.
Hands Held High to Launch Nicosia is Calling and MIDE
Nicosia, 13 October 2009 – In a spontaneous show of support, educators, municipal officials,  diplomats, and the media held their hands high to show their Nicosia Is  Calling booklets at a launch event held outside the Home for Cooperation opposite the Ledra Palace Hotel on Friday afternoon, 9 October 2009. Click here for full story.
A New Chapter for the Bicommunal Community Center in Peristerona
Nicosia, 7 October 2009 - A new chapter has begun for the historical Bicommunal Community Center following an extensive restoration project to revive its use as a cultural and environmental centre in the heart of Peristerona. Click here for full story.
Women of Cyprus - Youth of Cyprus
Nicosia, 20 September 2009 – Last Saturday, more than 40 young Cypriots from both communities gathered at the premises of the Nicosia Municipality Multifunctional Centre in old Nicosia to discuss their different perspectives after viewing the documentary “Women of Cyprus” by Vasiliki Katrivanou and Bushra Azzous. The event was organised by Soma Akriton and was attended by their members and those of the Turkish Cypriot organisation HASDER. Click here for full story.
UNDP-ACT Achievements Report
The UNDP-ACT 2005 - 2008 Achievements Report is now online. Click here to download
Resource Pack: Conflict Prevention September 2009
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